Where Public Education and Public Health Meet

A roadmap of essential actions to promote comprehensive recovery and renewal

This Roadmap Is …

Based on Evidence and Expertise.
The roadmap is informed by evidence-based practices and the direct feedback of epidemiologists, pediatric infectious disease physicians, child psychologists, district superintendents, leaders of public charter school management organizations, classroom teachers, school nurses, school counselors, and school leaders.

Not based on opinion, political ideology, or conjecture.

Designed to spur thinking, planning, and implementation of evidence-based interventions to continue to navigate the pandemic and to begin to plan for recovery (that will likely begin comprehensively in the fall of 2021). 

Not an exhaustive list of every action that a state, district or school leader will need to take to promote recovery and renewal and not universally applicable.

Intended to support prioritization; recovery and renewal is a multi-year process.

Not a checklist in which every item needs to be completed.

Built to endure beyond this recovery and renewal period.
This roadmap recommends actions that, while essential now, also provide blueprints for how to approach recovery from any event that disrupts learning or impacts student health and wellbeing.

Not static or applicable only to recovery from the pandemic.

A companion to local public health agency, school district, state department of education, and CDC guidance.

Not a stand-alone resource, legal or medical advice.